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International Moot Court 2022 Online

  The opening ceremony of the International Moot Court 2022 took place on May 15th 2022. We were honoured by the presence of HE Gabriella Sancisi, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to...

Moot Court Europe 2022

  Foundation Netherlands-Romania from The Hague and The National Pedagogical College “Carol I” from Campulung Muscel are honoured to host this unique event once again. Participating teams: Bulgaria Netherlands (Altena) Netherlands (Sorghvliet) Poland Romania...

Play for Human Rights

The outcome of the project is the creation of a collaborative, interactive non-formal learning platform: “Play for Human Rights” – Toolkit promoting Civic Education and Active Participation. All the materials for the Toolkit will be developed...

Moving Democracy Online Series 2022

This Erasmus+ Youth project opened the “Moving Democracy Online” initiative of the Foundation. The project aimed at providing a platform for young people to get in dialogue with representatives of The Hague politics, policy...

International Youth Conference

Between 20 and 27 September Foundation Netherlands-Romania hosted an International Youth Conference in The Hague, under the title: “Last arrived, first discriminated? . The project aimed at avoiding discrimination and supporting a better social...



I think we could be active citizens in the UE because we could travel in the UE just with our ID card, we could bring in our countries new cultures, people and we can...