I am Tia and I am a second-year student of Medicine at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. I was part of the Dutch team during Moot Court Europe in 2017 and I am excited to play the role of Court Monitor in this digital edition of Moot Court!

I am Ioana Manole and I’m 17 years old. I study at the National Pedagogical College “Carol I” in Campulung and my specialisation is Pedagogics. My hobbies are art, biology, travelling and spending time with my closest people. I want to be a court monitor in this project because I am an open-minded person, I like meeting new people and I was a participant in the Moot Court Europe project before.

My name is Teodor and I’m 18 years old. I’m a student at the National Pedagogical College “Carol I” and the current president of a volunteering group in my home town. In 2019, I was part of the prosecution team of Romania, which won the European Moot Court and in 2020 I took part in the International Moot Court held in Gdynia. I’m interested in rock music, hiking, mythology, and I’m looking forward to meeting you all and guiding you throughout your Online Moot Court experience.

Hi! My name is Teodora Patrascan and I have been participating in Moot Court projects for the last three editions, which I always enjoyed. It is a pleasure to be involved again and to meet new people.

My name is Catalina Vlad and I am in my last year of high school at the National Pedagogical College ''Carol I''. I participated twice in the Moot Court competition as a competitor, representing the Romanian team together with my wonderful colleagues. This year, I feel as excited and nervous about my participation as a Court Monitor, just like in the previous years.

My name is Bianca and I am in my last year of high school at the National Pedagogical College "Carol I". I had the pleasure and honour of participating at the Moot Court Europe held in 2019 in Câmpulung Mușcel, Romania, being in the Prosecution of the winning team. I also participated in the International Moot Court held in 2020 in Gdynia, Poland. I am looking forward to seeing a whole new version of this beautiful and memorable experience and I am happy to be able to help and coordinate the teams as a Court Monitor.

I am a first year student at the Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest, Romania. I graduated high school in 2020, after studying at the National Pedagogical College "Carol I" in Campulung Muscel. I was part of the winning team in the European Moot Court 2019 and participated in the International Moot Court 2020, which took place in Gdynia.

My name is Elis and I am a 5th grade high-school student at the Sorghvliet Gymnasium in The Hague. I participated in Moot Court Europe in 2017 and 2019 (as the youngest participant) and I’m looking forward to being a Court Monitor for this digital edition. Best of luck to everybody!

My name is Emanuela Grigorescu and I am currently in the 11th grade at the National Pedagogical College "Carol I" in Câmpulung. I am passionate about law and about humanitarian causes. That's the reason for which I have been in Romania's Moot Court team for two editions and this project is very dear to me.

Hello. My name is Enache Mary Magdalene. I am 20 years old and I study foreign languages at the University of Bucharest. My hobbies are largely in line with my chosen specialization and include reading and writing. I am also interested in art, human psychology, history and coding. Between 2017 and 2019 I participated in three editions of Moot Court, most of the time on the defensive side. I am happy to be part of the beautiful competition again, but from a different position and I hope you will enjoy it and find in this competition more than just a contest, but a chance to learn. I hope your experience will be a pleasant one despite all the current conditions. So, relax and give your best. If you have any questions are here to help you so do not hesitate to ask. Good luck!

I am Șerban-Nicolae Florescu and I study Romanian-French at the Faculty of Letters in Bucharest. I participated in Moot Court Europe 2017 (Romania) and in the International Moot Court 2018 (The Hague) for the prosecution team. This is my first time to be a court monitor and I am very glad to be part of this big event. Good luck to everyone!

My name is Teodora Savu. I am 21 and I am a kindergarten teacher. I participated in the Moot Court project twice before, when in high school, and I'm glad I can do it again, as a court monitor this time. I am also a Lions volunteer and an artist in my free time.

My name is Horia and I’m a 20 years old anthropology student. In the past, I had the honor to participate in four other editions of Moot Court, mostly on the side of the prosecution. My personal interests are in hiking and the study of human cultures. I hope you will have an amazing experience, even if this edition is online. If there is anything you need help with, feel free to ask. I wish you good luck!